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HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning
HARmonised PracticEs, Regulations and Standards in waste management and decommissioning

The fourth HARPERS Consortium Meeting

The fourth HARPERS Consortium Meeting is taking place in Brasov - Romania and is reserved for HARPERS Project partners. 

The two-days event will focus on the evolution of the project (Phase 2) enhancing the stakeholder engagement. The presentations will highlitght the deeper analysis on the nine priority topics defined within the technical work packages with connection to the regulatory impacts and business case.

Event Information

Event Date 06-18-2024 9:00 am
Event End Date 06-19-2024 5:30 pm
Location Brasov, Romania
Attachment Final Agenda_HARPERS Consortium Meeting Brasov.pdf
European Commission

This project has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2021-27 under grant agreement No 101060028.